Competition volleyball net with velcro
Competition net with Kevlar cord and Velcro strips.
SKU: 1654008
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Categories: Schelde Sports
Additional Details
Additional Details
- Dimensions: 950×100 cm
- 3 mm black knot-free nylon net
- Mesh size 10×10 cm
- Lightweight strap (white) top 7 cm
- Lightweight strap (white) bottom 5 cm
- A 4 mm Kevlar cord runs through the top strap
- 6 Velcro strips
- Exclusive tensioning device, antenna and antenna pockets.
Important to know:
- Optimal net tension due to Kevlar cord and Velcro strips
- Net can be moved across the Kevlar cord sideways (the cord has a kevlar core with nylon casing)
- Removable fiberglass stabilisation bars
- 8-point attachment.
Length: 950 cm
Height: 100 cm
Color: Black
Type of use: Competition
Quantity Per: piece
Material: Nylon
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